Webshop » BREEDING » FASE 2 BIOS Naturamica 50gr

FASE 2 BIOS Naturamica 50gr

FASE 2 BIOS Naturamica 50gr

€ 10.00


PHASE 2 BIOS follow the nature

The tops, flowers, fruits, pollen, buds, elements and proteins contained in this preparation are the same plants used in nature for feeding the goldfinch proled.

Therefore, added to the meal during the breeding phase, it provides significant nutrients. Thanks to this nourishing power, it can also be used at other times of the year, it avoids deficiencies of various kinds. Contains trace elements / micro and macro elements of fundamental importance. 10gr / kg of food. Herbal tea: 7gr / It. Of hot water.

Ingredients: poa, shepherd's purse, centocchio, watercress, matricaria, arttemisia, wormwood, crepe, ryegrass, goldenrod, rosolaccio, daisy, dandelion