Webshop » COLORING 100% NATURAL » Yellow Coloring » TAGETES Tagete Puro 100gr

TAGETES Tagete Puro 100gr

TAGETES Tagete Puro 100gr

€ 25.00


Composed of petals of marigold erecta of the orange variety, on a mineral basis (micro and macro elements), grains.

Rich in xanthophyll (lutein) and zeaxanthin with 2% lutein. The xanthophyll is also responsible for the metal effect of the lipochromium typical of the plumage of birds in freedom.

In captivity it is indispensable as a nutrient and as an adjuvant / catalyst for many functions, including fertility. It is also the only carotenoid present in the eye (macula).

Colors excellent in yellow, orange and red (in the latter case together with a specific red dye or only with marigold at high calibrated doses).

for the metal effect on the plumage: 1gr / kg on UNICA feed
for the color yellow: 3gr / kg on UNICA feed
for the color orange: 10gr / kg on UNICA feed
for the color red: 30gr / kg on UNICA food together with Red food coloring

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