Webshop » BREEDING » FIRST8DAYS Biostarter Gel0/8 30gr

FIRST8DAYS Biostarter Gel0/8 30gr

FIRST8DAYS Biostarter Gel0/8 30gr

€ 18.00


The first 8 days of life are more than fundamental in the formation of a new ornithic life, the nests that are blind and naked at birth become completed and autonomous subjects in a few weeks.

The metabolism in this phase is very fast, the first days of life can double in a few hours in weight. However, this is only possible if everything works down to the smallest detail, in addition to nutrients, there are also other important aspects, not least the formation of the perfect colonization of the intestinal tract by microorganisms responsible for the quality of health of the subject. In nature, the above is caused by a kind of biostarter secreted by special glands in the mother's goiter and by microorganisms present in the father's saliva (note a baby's goiter after the very first bites, it contains a semi-transparent liquid).

Unfortunately, in captivity, the imbalances in the adult organism are different and in the species that have not yet been domesticated, even the adults do not yet possess the enzymatic kit necessary to address the pathogens typical of the captive environment (80 % of the immune system is in the gut).

An extreme example is given by the ability of scavengers (vultures)
to feed on rotten meat from animals that have often died of diseases and viruses, a deadly meal for all other animals. This is possible thanks to the array of microorganisms responsible for digestion. This is to convey the importance of a perfect intestinal biocolonization.

Based on these considerations, we have created Unica-0/8, an innovative cold gel with special technological and physical properties.

First, it can change consistency when subjected to friction (such as when it flows through the tube of a knotted imbecco needle), making it more liquid and instantly solidifying again. It contains the necessary active colonizing spores, an important aminoprotidic, heat-treated and predigestible part, therefore highly digestible and assimilated. Aloe juice to prevent inflammation that would destabilize the organism, prebiotics in optimal proportions, extracts and essential oils, brown algae proteins with broken links, fractions of bovine colostrum and other important components.

It also has the peculiar feature of instant cold gelation.

Packed in bags of 30 g, it is prepared by adding water, milk or vegetable milk and mixing to avoid lumps, obtaining a gel that allows the pullets to be fed 3 times a day, from birth to hatching. eighth day. However, it is possible to administer it longer.

It does not require any additives of any kind, on the contrary, it can be used to integrate the wet weaning meal at the rate of 1 gr / 100 gr.